Friday, December 11, 2009

Time to Take It Easy on Documenting My Family's Every Move

Well, there's nothing like staying up too late writing blog posts that highlight my more gentle, kindly parenting moments to turn me into an under-rested grump by the end of the week. Makes me feel a wee bit fraudulent.

But today was mostly another good one. We went to a paper snowflake-making crafting day at a friend's house with about a half-dozen other families, and it was wild, good fun. Topped off with stone soup for lunch, brimming with vegetables and beans and noodles we'd all contributed, it was the kind of day that makes me feel a lot less lonely and a hell of a lot more connected. What a great group of women--so thoughtful, honest, and funny. I feel amazed at my good fortune to count them as my friends. The kids had a blast making snowflakes and jumping around like monkeys in the basement play room while I snatched at bits of adult conversation where I could grab them amidst the happy chaos.

Tonight, though, it's early to bed so there's a whole lot less tired mom eye-rolling, door-slamming, and teeth-gritting around here tomorrow. Because after all, tomorrow is my birthday, and dang it, I'm going to have fun.

1 comment:

kate hopper said...

Happy birthday! I hope you had a lovely day with no eye-rolling or door-slamming!