Sunday, September 27, 2009

Over and Out

A friend of mine asked me today what I'd decided to do about this blog, since I'd said back in July that I would make a decision about it by the end of August.

Well. As I've mentioned previously on this blog, I have trouble finishing things (hence, my annoying-to-my-husband habit of keeping our cupboard shelves well-stocked with cracker boxes containing one or two stale crackers and keeping our fridge rattling with nearly empty salad dressing bottles and jam jars). And clearly, I have had some trouble finishing off this blog and admitting that I don't want to do it any more. But I don't. I have really enjoyed writing the posts. But being as addicted to external validation as I am and keeping a blog just didn't go together well. I didn't need yet another reason for checking the Internet to see if I still exist. I continue to find it challenging enough just remembering to check in with my own flesh-and-blood, real-time existence every once in a while.

Thanks to everyone who ever stopped by to read this blog, to people who commented, and to the fabulous bloggers whose work I've discovered this past year. I am happy to have shared the past year with all of you, and to have had the pleasure and honor of hearing some of your stories, too.


Los Pyefeld said...


just kidding.

ok, now u can finish your book!

Lynne Marie Wanamaker said...


I was just thinking how much I missed you. In fact, I was looking through my email to find your address so I could send you a message saying so.

I applaud your decision to finish here, to set boundaries in your life and commit to your priorities. We'd all do well to learn from your example.

Please do keep in touch, though. I'm pretty sure you know how to find me.